
Settlement of criminal cases through restorative justice, focusing directly on perpetrators, victims, and the community in the process of resolving criminal cases, Formulation of the problem how the concept of restorative justice in criminal law reform and prospects for the formulation of restorative justice in criminal law reform, using normative research methods. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the concept of restorative justice can become permanent legal politics in building the national criminal law system in the future. The draft Criminal Code has accommodated the principle of restorative justice participation as a method of resolving problems outside the court, so it is very possible if the concept of restorative justice is used as a criminal law reform in Indonesia in the future and the prospects for the formulation of restorative justice in criminal law reform have been adapted in Indonesian law by  the existence of regulations made by law enforcement, where the principle of restorative justice regulated in the internal provisions of case settlement from law enforcement and it is implemented sectoral and doesn’t use a criminal law policy theory approach, namely the renewal of criminal law through the formation of laws and restorative justice theory as a whole,  namely as the approach to the concept of restorative justice.  The response to a restorative justice settlement has received a positive appreciation from the community and law enforcement officials. It is suggested the need to accommodate the settlement of criminal cases through restorative justice against criminal acts in the Criminal Procedure Code and the Criminal Code that will come with certain conditions.  Such a process also needs to be applied at all stages of the examination, starting from the investigation, prosecution, and trial.


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